Teams — Spokane Church - True Hope Church

At True Hope, serving on a team isn’t what we want FROM you, it’s what we want FOR you. Not what you HAVE to do, but what you GET to do. It’s simple. If you have an interest to serve, you can count on us to help you find your ideal serving team.

Click on a Team to learn more and when you’ve found the right one, click the JOIN A TEAM button to sign up and the Team Leader will contact you!



Our mission in True Hope Kids is to invest in the next generation so they will know God and love God. Each Sunday, our team members teach, care for, and selflessly serve the kids of True Hope.

Is this for me?

Do you want to challenge, encourage, and teach elementary school kids how to follow Christ? Do you love crafts, interactive worship music, and the imaginations of preschoolers? Would you prefer to rock a baby or soothe a toddler in our nursery? We have many roles in True Hope Kids, but the one thing we all must have in common is a love for Jesus and a desire for our kids to know Him.


Serve Times: 8:30 AM | 10:00 AM | 11:30 AM on Sundays
Frequency: 2 times per month
**Background Check Required



Every week, True Hope Youth meets to bring kids together, talk about Jesus, have fun, and be real with each other about life. Youth leaders spend time getting to know the kids and investing in their lives. It’s one of the greatest joys to see young people find their way back to God.

Is this for me?

Do you want to mentor and lead Jr. High and High School students as they pursue a relationship with Jesus? Then this role is for you!


Serve Times: Sundays at 8:30 AM | 10:00 AM | 11:30 AM or Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
Frequency: 1-2 times per month
**Background Check Required



Each Sunday, an opportunity for prayer is offered at the end of each service. Praying for one another and bearing each other's burdens is a vital ministry of True Hope Church.

Is this for me?

Do you love to pray and want to pray for people on Sundays or during the week? If you have a desire to serve people by praying for them, this role is for you.


Serve Times: 8:30 AM | 10:00 AM | 11:30 AM on Sundays
Frequency: 1-2 times per month



Help with building maintenance and special projects during the week.

Is this for me?

Are you good with power tools? Do people often mistake you for Bob the Builder? Then this team is for you!


Responsibilities: Help with everything from paint touch-ups to fixing broken sinks.



Our mission is to provide a clean, safe, and comfortable space where our congregation can focus solely on Jesus. It’s also an opportunity to serve in hospitality behind the scenes to support our Sunday teams.

Is this for me?

Are you detail-oriented? Do you enjoy a good deep clean and see things look new again? Do you need busy hands for a quiet mind of prayer? Join us as we clean, prepare, and pray over True Hope Church!


Serve Times: Saturdays & Occasional Fridays: One hour time slots between 9AM-1PM | Sundays: 3PM-4PM
Frequency: 1-2 times per month
**Background Check Required



Each week, a team of people prepares refreshments and communion, assists with programs and offerings, and helps connect people at True Hope. This team cultivates a welcoming and friendly environment. Their focus is on meeting people on Sunday mornings and helping them get plugged in at True Hope.

Is this for me?

Do you enjoy making people feel welcomed and valued? Are you friendly and love meeting new people? Or maybe you prefer behind-the-scenes tasks like making coffee or setting out communion? If so, this team is for you!


Serve Times: 8:30 AM | 10:00 AM | 11:30 AM on Sundays
Frequency: 2 times per month



Each week, a band is scheduled to play during the music portion of Sunday services. Musicians gather midweek to rehearse songs and then lead True Hope in worship on Sunday morning.

Is this for me?

Are you a musician who loves music and cares about the worship experience? We’re looking for team members who are skilled musicians, humble, collaborative, and creative. If you are passionate about music and want to grow in your God-given musical gifts, this team is for you. To apply for the music team, please use the button below. For sound, email Kyle Wheeler at


Serve Times: Midweek practice and each service on Sunday
Frequency: 1-2 times per month



Our vision for the Production team is "Excellence in simplicity." We're not here to put on a concert, but we do want to express the creative nature God has made us with and use it to glorify Him. Our team is responsible for everything you see and hear both in-person and online, tech wise.

Is this for me?

Do you enjoy working with cameras & gimbals? Making sure the music team sounds incredible? Editing photos and running slides? If so, we’d love to have you on the Production Team at True Hope Church!


Serve Times: Sundays at 8:30 AM | 10:00 AM | 11:30 AM
Frequency: 2 times per month
**Background Check Required



We live in a fallen world, and because of that, there are people who don’t have the best of intentions. Each Sunday, hundreds of people come through our doors to experience God and meet with other believers. We want to provide them with a safe place to do so.

Is this for me?

Do you have a strong desire to protect and keep True Hope a safe environment for everyone who attends? Can you keep your cool in stressful situations? If so, this team is for you.


Serve Times: Prepare before and serve during each service on Sundays
Frequency: 2 times per month
**Background Check Required



The Parking Team ensures clarity and direction as people arrive at church on Sunday! Instead of searching for a spot, the parking team directs people to the closest available parking and ensures that arriving and leaving True Hope is seamless.


Serve Times: Sundays at 8:30 AM | 10:00 AM | 11:30 AM
Frequency: 1-2 times per month